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5/21/20243 min read

Fertility Boosting Foods
Food is medicine approach to fertility.
JUN 11, 2024
Hi everyone!
It’s been a while, but I was in the middle of a move and am now in the midst of wedding planning. I switched over to Substack, so let me know if you’re liking this new format.
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As promised, last week I posted a Fertility Boosting Smoothie recipe and wanted to share some foods that have been proven to help with conception. Even if you’re not planning on getting pregnant, these foods are the same as what you’d eat for keeping your hormones balanced. Share this info along to a friend who might’ve struggled in the past or is currently in the midst of it. Traditional doctors aren’t well versed in nutrition (they only get 15 hours of training in America on nutrition!!), so you need to be your own advocate in getting the results you want, rather than waiting.
Green Fertility Smoothie Recipe:
2-3 Dates (depitted)
1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1 Tbsp Ground Flaxseeds
1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
3 Tbsp Hemp Hearts
1 Tbsp Dandy Blend
1 Tbsp Nut Butter of your choice
1-2 large handfuls of Spinach or Kale/Spinach Blend
1 Tsp Irish Sea Moss
1 Brazil Nut
1 Maca Capsule
Vanilla Protein Powder (optional) I used Truvani
Coconut Milk
Blend and enjoy!
Fertility Boosting Foods
In general, focus on eating clean, pesticide-free, hormone-free, chemical-free, locally grown and raised foods. Remember, the foods you eat will build the habitat for your soon-to be baby. Purchase organic and grass-fed or pasture-raised meats.
Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean-style of eating is a great lifestyle to adopt (hello afternoon siesta!) to improve fertility for both men and women because it’s rich in nutrients and antioxidants that support reproductive health.
Whole, fresh and organic foods
Plenty of vegetables and fruits – up to 8 servings daily (diversify! it’s better for your gut)
Good quality protein - especially low mercury fatty fish, eggs (richest source of choline), and beans
Healthy oils and fats - especially Extra Virgin Olive Oil (try implementing a daily olive oil shot) and avocados
Nuts and seeds (walnuts, brazil nuts, chia, hemp, flax, pumpkin, and sesame seeds)
Slow burning carbs in moderation (rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes)
Fat is GOOD for you, but not all fat is created equal.
Eating healthy fats doesn’t make you fat. Read that again. We’ve been trained to believe that fat-free everything is good for us, but newsflash, that was the sugar industry trying to add more sugar alternatives into products. Healthy fats play a major role in hormone production, brain health, and absorption of antioxidants, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Healthy fats help balance blood sugar and keep you satiated for longer.
Omega-3 DHA, a particular type of healthy fat, has been shown to increase progesterone, encourage ovulation, and improve egg and sperm quality. Foods with the most omega-3 fatty acids include:
• Wild-caught fish or seafood low in mercury (wild salmon, anchovies, sardines)
• Nuts and seeds
• Chia seeds
• Avocados and olives
• Eggs with the yolk
• Liver and other organ meats
Fats to limit in your diet:
Trans fats: These are the worst type of fat often found in processed foods, fried foods, and some margarines. They’re artificially created by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid. Trans fats raise your "bad" LDL cholesterol and lower your "good" HDL cholesterol, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Saturated fats: Saturated fats are found naturally in animal products like fatty meat, poultry skin, and full-fat dairy. They can also be found in some plant-based sources like coconut oil, palm oil, and cocoa butter. While not quite as detrimental as trans fats, consuming too much saturated fat can also raise LDL cholesterol.
Skip the Dairy, Gluten, and Sodas
If you do want to eat dairy, choose full-fat and high quality sources.
Drink More Water
Aim for 6-8 cups per day of water.
Add in electrolytes so that your body retain the water within your cells, preventing dehydration. (I like the brand Nectar cause they use organic fruit and don’t add “natural flavors,” but you can add Himalayan sea salt, lemon juice/peels, or fruit to your water as well!)
Keep your Blood Sugar Steady
Blood sugar balance and insulin sensitivity are essential to healthy ovulatory function and fertility. To eat for blood sugar balance, simply follow these simple steps:
Start your day off with a savory breakfast, then enjoy your fruit afterwards
Don't skip meals or starve yourself
Eat a vegetable starter before your main meal, especially when you eat out
Eat something with vinegar (apple cider, rice, or balsamic) before you dive into your meal
At each meal, make sure you include a good quality protein source (legumes, beans, nuts/seeds, fish, poultry, less than once/week red meat is okay) + a good quality fat (avocado, olive oil, ghee) + a small amount of grain + your veggie serving(s)
Avoid sugary foods and empty carbohydrates like cookies, cake, and white flour pastries that jack up your blood sugar after which it will drop, causing a blood sugar roller-coaster